openSUSE Leap 15.5


openSUSE Leap �O�@�ӦۥѪ���� Linux ���@�~�t�ΡA�i�B�@�b�z����W���q���B���O��

�^�m��: Chao-Hsiung Liao�BCraig Jeffares�BJoe Man�BRay Chen�BRamax Lo
�X������G2023-02-17, �G15.5.20230217.0201358

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7 ��h��T�P���X

This is the initial version of the release notes for the forthcoming openSUSE
Leap 15.5.

�p�G�z�q���ª� openSUSE �o�檩���ɯšA�ХѦ��d�ݤ��e���o����ơGhttps://�C

���������� beta �����O openSUSE �M�ת��@�����C����M�ת���T�Ш� https://�C

Report all bugs you encounter using this prerelease of openSUSE Leap 15.5 in
the openSUSE Bugzilla. For more information, see
Submitting_Bug_Reports. If you would like to see anything added to the release
notes, file a bug report against the component ?Release Notes?.

1 �w��

part-basics.html �����C

1.1 �ϥΨt�Ψ����������A���Ҵ��Ѫ���l�ɯ�

The installer supports the system role Transactional Server. This system role
features an update system that applies updates atomically (as a single
operation) and makes them easy to revert should that become necessary. These
features are based on the package management tools that all other SUSE and
openSUSE distributions also rely on. This means that the vast majority of RPM
packages that work with other system roles of openSUSE Leap 15.5 also work with
the system role Transactional Server.



�@�ǮM��|�b���̪� RPM %post �}�����ק� /var �άO /srv �����e�C�o�ǮM��O���ۮe


 �E Btrfs �ַӡG  �b�t�Χ�s�}�l�e�A�@�ӷs root �ɮרt�Ϊ� Btrfs �ַӷ|�Q�إߡC
    �M��Ҧ��Ӧ۸ӧ�s���ק�|�w�˦b�o�� Btrfs �ַӤ��C�n�����o����s�A�z�i�H��


 �E ��Ū root �ɮרt�ΡG  ���F�קK�]����s�y�������D�P��ƿ򥢡Aroot �ɮרt�Υ�
    ���T��g�J�C�O�G root �ɮרt�Φb���`�ާ@�U�O�H��Ū�覡�����C

    �n���ӳ]�w�o�H�B�@�A�ݭn�[�J�t�~�G���ɮרt�Ϊ��ܧ�G�n���\�b /etc �g�J�ϥ�
    �̳]�w�ɡA�ӥؿ��۰ʳ]�w���ϥ� OverlayFS�C/var �{�b�h�ܦ��������l���H�Ѩ�L


���n�G��������A���ݭn�ܤ� 12 GB ���ϺЪŶ�

�t�Ψ����������A���ݭn�ܤ� 12 GB ���ϺФj�p�H�e�� Btrfs �ַӡC


���n�GYaST �b������Ҧ��U�L�k�ϥ�

�ثe YaST �L�k�b������Ҧ��U�ϥΡC�o�O�]�� YaST �|�ߧY����ާ@�A�åB���L�k���

�n�ϥΥ������s�A�ШϥΫ��O transactional-update �ӫD YaST �P Zypper �Ӷi��M

 �E ��s�t�ΡGtransactional-update up

 �E �w�ˮM��Gtransactional-update pkg in PACKAGE_NAME

 �E �����M��Gtransactional-update pkg rm PACKAGE_NAME

 �E �n�����̫�@�ӧַӹ� root �ɮרt�ΩҰ����ܧ�A�Х��T�{�z���t�άO�ϥγ̫�@
    �ӧַӤ��e���ַӶ}���A�M�����Gtransactional-update rollback

    �Ϊ̡A�b���O�̫�[�W�ַ� ID �H�^�_�ܯS�w���ַӡC

���ϥθӨt�Ψ���ɡA�t�ιw�]�|����C���s�åB�b���W 03:30 �P�U�� 05:00 �����s
�ҰʡC�o�ǰʧ@�ҬO�� systemd IJ�o�A�Y���ݭn�]�i�H�ϥ� systemctl ���O�����G

systemctl disable --now transactional-update.timer rebootmgr.service

�n�F�ѧ�h����������s���Ӹ`�A�Ш� openSUSE Kubic ������峹 https:// �H�� https://�C

1.2 �w�˦b�Ŷ��֩� 12 GB ���w��

�u�����w�ЪŶ��j�� 12 GB �ɡA�w�˵{���~�|��ij�ϺФ��γW���C�Y�z�Q�n�]�w�Ŷ��D�`

1.3 UEFI - �Τ@�i�������餶��

�b�w�� openSUSE ��ϥ� UEFI (�Τ@�i�������餶��) �}�����t�Τ��e�A�j�P��ij�z����
�ݬO�_���w��s�y�өҫ�ij�������s�å[�H�w�ˡC�Y�z���t�Φ��w�� Windows 8 �Χ�s
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openSUSE �ǥѥu�g�J����Ұʨt�Ϊ��ֻ̤ݭn����ƶq�A�ӭ��C�o�ӭ��I�C�g�J����Ʀ�
�֭n��i�D UEFI ���� openSUSE �Ұʵ{������m�C�x�� Linux �֤ߴ��Ѩϥ� UEFI �x�s
�ϨӼg�J�}���η�����T���\�� (pstore)�A�b���w�]�Q���ΡC�L�צp��A��ij�w�˥���w


�b EFI/UEFI ���W��Ѥ�����@�ӷs�����κϺЪ������覡�GGPT�]GUID Partition Table
�^�C�o�ӷs���覡�ϥ� GUID�]128�줸������ܦb32�ӤQ���i��Ʀr�W�^���ѧO�˸m�Τ�

���~�AUEFI �W�d�O���\�DzΪ� MBR�]MS-DOS�^���ΰϡC Linux �޾ɥ[�����]ELILO ��
GRUB2�^���հw�墨�ǶDzΪ����ΰϦ۰ʲ��ͤ@�� GUID �A�ç⥦�̼g�i����C���o�˪��@
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�{�N�����鳣���@�өU���������]garbage collector�^�A�i�H�����Q�R�����i�J�I�]

²�檺���N�ѨM��׬O�G�ഫ�DzΪ� MBR ���ΰϦ����s�� GPT ���ΰϥH���㪺�קK����

2 �t�Τɯ�




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3.1 ����ij���M��

����ij���M���٬O�|�������o�檩���@�����A�åB�b�U�@�� openSUSE Leap ���|�Q�����C

�n�ˬd�w�w�˪��M��O�_�w���A���@�A�Х��T�{�O�_�w�w�� lifecycle-data-openSUSE �M

zypper lifecycle

3.2 �������M��


 �E gnome-todo: gnome-todo was replaced by package Endeavour.

    msgpack: msgpack was replaced by msgpack-c and msgpack-cxx.

    nodejs-electron: This old version of Electron is EOL, and we are unable to
    support this runtime throughout Leap's lifetime due to frequent ABI breaks.
    Current versions of Electron are still available from the
    devel:languages:nodejs repository on OBS.

4 �X�ʵ{���P�w��

4.1 Secure Boot�G�ݭn���T�añ���ĤT���X�ʵ{��

Starting with openSUSE Leap 15.2, kernel module signature check for third-party
drivers (CONFIG_MODULE_SIG=y) is now enabled. This is an important security
measure to avoid untrusted code running in the kernel.

�Y UEFI Secure Boot �Q�ҥΡA�ӥ\��|���ײĤT��֤߼ҲճQ���J�C�Ӧ� openSUSE �x
��M��w�����ּҲծM�� (Kernel Module Packages, KMPs)�A�ѩ�o�ǼҲդw�ϥ�
openSUSE ���_ñ���L�A�G���|���v�T�Cñ���ˬd�|���H�U���欰�G

 �E ���Qñ���L�A�γQ�w�������Q�H�������_ñ���A�άO�L�k�ϥΨt�ΫH�����_��Ʈw��

�z�i�H���ͤ@�Ӧ۩w���ҮѡA�åB���U��t�Ϊ� MOK (Machine Owner Key) ��Ʈw�A�M��

�ѩ�o�]�|�v�T NVIDIA �ϧ��X�ʵ{���A�ڭ̷|�b openSUSE �x��M�󤤳B�z�o�Ӱ��D�C
�M�Ӧb�w�ˤ���A�z�ݭn��ʵ��U�@�ӷs�� MOK ���_�����s�M��i�H�B�@�C����p��w��
�X�ʵ{���H�ε��U MOK ���_���оǡA�Ш�

4.2 Network install image hangs on boot on Raspberry Pi 4

Booting the network install image from USB stick on Raspberry Pi 4 hangs on
boot. To resolve this issue, add the console=tty boot parameter. See details in
the known issues section of our Raspberry Pi 4 Hardware Compatibility List.

5 �ୱ����

This section lists desktop issues and changes in openSUSE Leap 15.5.

5.1 ���� KDE 4 �P Qt 4

KDE 4 �M��N���A������ openSUSE Leap 15.4�C�Фɯűz���t�Φ� Plasma 5 �H�� Qt 5
�C�ѩ�ۮe�ʪ��Ҷq�A�@�� Qt 4 �M��i�ऴ�|�O�d�C�Ш� https://�C

6 �@�뻡��

6.1 iotop support

iotop does not display values for SWAPIN and IO %.

Since Linux kernel 5.14, either kernel boot parameter delayacct needs to be
specified or kernel.task_delayacct sysctl needs to be enabled.

7 ��h��T�P���X

 �E �о\Ū�w�˴C��W�� README ���C

 �E �q�M�� RPM �˵��Y�ӮM��ԲӪ��ܰʾ��v��T�G

    rpm --changelog -qp FILENAME.rpm

    �N FILENAME �N���� RPM �W�١C

 �E �Ьd�ݦb�w�˴C��̤W�h�ؿ��U�� ChangeLog �ɮץH�F�ѩҧ�s�M���ܰʾ��v�]��

 �E �b�w�˴C�餤�� docu �ؿ��i����h����T�C

 �E ������L�Χ�s�����A�аѾ\�C

 �E �n�F�Ѧ��� openSUSE �̷s�����~�s�D�A�гy�X�C

���v�Ҧ� ? SUSE LLC

? 2023 SUSE